Valentines Day Gifts For New Girlfriend 2024 - (2024)

Expert Tips

Valentines Day Gifts For New Girlfriend 2024 - (1)

Pinpoint the Perfect Gift Valentine’s Day Gifts for a New Girlfriend

It’s tricky business deciding what to give your girlfriend for Valentine’s Day. Obviously, you want to give something seriously stellar or you wouldn’t be reading this. But, how exactly do you find the best valentine gift for your girlfriend? Well, it starts with doing a little observation, followed by some soul searching, followed by...reading the tips below and doing what we say (seriously, we think about this stuff all day and all night). Whether you want to show her that she’s all you’ve ever hoped for, or you want to keep things casual...we’ve got you covered. Just look for the tip that fits your situation and we’ll show you the path to a happy Valentine’s Day for all.


You want to keep things casual

She’s special and you know it, but you’re still wanting to keep things casual for now. How do you show her that you care without leading her on to think that you want more than is already happening? If you don’t want her to think that you see a long-term future with her, you’ve got to stick with traditional, generic, and practical gifts. Definitely DO NOT give her anything in a ring or jewelry jewelry at all. Seriously. Don’t torture her. And definitely do not spend a lot of money on your gift. Chocolates or a gift that is practical for her to use but also colored red or pink (a la Valentine’s Day) is a good call. Headphones for hitting the gym, a travel mug for her commute, you get the point. Oh and, avoid gifts that relate to her spending the night, too.


You’re ready to commit already

The first time you saw her smile you knew you were done for. She makes you feel all the feels and is your total dream girl. The only problem is that she is slow to show that she’s on the same page. You don’t want to push too much. If it’s meant to be, she’ll come around...and soon! So how to do find the perfect gift for her? Definitely show her that you mean business. That doesn’t mean proposing or even giving her jewelry. This is another time when jewelry is off limits! You’re better off giving her something romantic, reflective of how well you know her and what you love about her uniqueness. Do you love that she loves to write? Get her something to help her do that more! Don’t make it too generic with flowers or candy. Even some personalized gifts can feel like cop outs. Don’t go there unless you’re sure she’ll LOVE it. Stay focused on what makes her, well, her, and that also makes you happy she’s in your life.


You both feel the vibes, big time

Cupid’s arrow has struck a bullseye! It’s been long enough that you both are feeling serious long-term commitment vibes and may have even been talking about it. This relationship could be THE ONE and you don’t want to mess it up. Stay cool, but connect with this amazing lady. By now you’ve had lots of dates, conversations, experiences, and connections. Use those as fodder for finding the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your girlfriend. Do you love sweeping her off her feet? Spoil her with something she’s been dying for! Do you love making coffee and sitting on the patio with your robes on in the morning? Update your game! Think about what you love sharing together and up the that into the beautiful future you envision and make it reality. Or, if you’re feeling really, really sure...maybe get down on one knee and make it official!


You just met, seriously, like your first date was yesterday

She had you at, “hello” and then she said, “yes” to a first date! Woo hoo! Now you need to keep her around because you’re feeling good vibes but it’s too soon for anything serious. This is when you play it safe. Sure, some girls would love a sweeping romantic gesture for Valentine’s Day after the first date. Never put your names up on the marquee at the big game two dates in to your relationship unless you are 100% sure that she’d think that was killer! Instead, keep it simple. You don’t know too much about her yet so a gift that will help you get to know her is a good way to go. There are lots of games out there now to choose from. Or, give her something simple and practical but not cold (heart shaped earbuds vs deodorant). Another way to go is an experience gift certificate. Learn something new or do something new together to see how you both handle it. No matter what you choose, make sure that it seems to truly come from you. No girl likes getting a gift that you just grabbed off the shelf without thinking. Give her a reason why you go the gift to help her feel special because she is!


Still unsure of what to give that special gal?

Try one of these curated lists:See all Gifts for GirlfriendsRomantic Gifts for GirlfriendsSee all Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentines Day Gifts For New Girlfriend 2024 - (2024)


What should I get my new GF for Valentine's Day? ›

Some classic Valentine's Day gift ideas for girlfriends include jewelry, chocolates, and flowers. But if you want to make this Valentine's Day extra special, consider a romantic gift that she'll treasure forever. A romantic getaway or a custom-made gift can be a great way to show your love and appreciation.

What to get someone for Valentine's Day when you just started dating? ›

Get a card, flowers, and chocolates.” In fact, going for the classics was recommended by all of our relationship experts. Krafchick adds, “If it is that early stage, getting something generic like flowers or candy could be a good way to go, because it's acknowledging it, but it's not going fully over the top, either.

How much money should you give your girlfriend for Valentine's Day? ›

Established Romantic Relationships

Considering the current inflation rate has come down to half of that, we suggest doubling the price tag to about $100. Another survey from Trustpilot shared that the V-Day activities will cost you about $157.52 for relationships two years or older.

What to do for Valentine's Day new relationship? ›

You could go on a little date if you choose-a picnic, a hike, a walk in a park, or spend inside together, playing video games together that you both like. Listen to what your date likes and plan something around that. The point is to do it together.

What kind of valentine gift to give to girlfriend? ›

Flowers are a timeless gesture - a bouquet of her favourite blooms can speak volumes, making them valentine day best gift for girlfriend. If you're looking for something extra special, personalised gifts or custom jewellery can be amazing valentine gifts to make her feel cherished.

What to do with a girl you just met on Valentine's Day? ›

Take her out to dinner if you want. I would not overwhelm her with a fine place that celebrates Valentine's Day in a super romantic way unless you talk with her about it a bit as it might be uncomfortable since you two just met . Sometimes I find Valentine's Day is awkward for a night out with a new date .

Does a girl get her boyfriend something for Valentine's Day? ›

Just as you would like a gift on Valentine's Day, your boyfriend would surely appreciate one as well. However, getting a Valentine's gift for your boyfriend is often easier said than done. Valentine's Day gifts that you see online and in stores are typically aimed towards women.

Should I get my girlfriend a Valentines Day gift? ›

There are so many reasons why you should treat your girlfriend on Valentine's Day with a special gift. The main reason is that it's a wonderful time to remind her how much you love and appreciate her being in your life.

What does a girl expect for Valentine's Day? ›

What men and women want for Valentine's Day. Roughly one-third of women want a card, chocolates or candy, and/or flowers (34% each) or a nice dinner out (33%).

How important is Valentine's Day to a girl? ›

In addition to being a particular day for couples to express their love and gratitude to one another, Valentine's Day is also a time when women honor their relationships with their female friends. This day provides an opportunity to express gratitude, share joy, and strengthen women's unique connection with each other.

How can I be romantic in a new relationship? ›

How to be romantic
  1. Express your love: Tell them you love them, often.
  2. Write a love letter: Write a love letter reminding your partner of all the reasons you love them.
  3. Try foreplay: Engage in more sensual foreplay ideas.
  4. Show physical affection: Practice having slower, more emotionally connected sex.
Mar 28, 2024

At what stage in relationship do you celebrate Valentine's Day? ›

Almost one in four Australians (24%) have said that they would be open to celebrating Valentine's Day with someone they'd been dating for less than a month. 27% of Australians would ideally celebrate once they'd been dating someone for 2-5 months, 15% 6-11 months, and 12% after a year.

Should a guy ask a girl to be his valentine? ›

Although it's not a requirement, asking someone to be your valentine, whether you're in a relationship or not, is a great idea. It would truly make someone's day and is just a little something extra to show just how much you care.

What should boyfriend do for girlfriend on valentine's Day? ›

Placing the limelight on your girlfriend on this occasion can be the key to her heart. For Valentine's Day surprises for her, you can choose simple yet impactful gestures, such as sending her flowers and a token of your love while she is still in bed.

What should I do with my GF on valentine's Day? ›

Best Valentine's Day Date Ideas for Her
  • Take a Romantic Dance Class. ...
  • Revisit a Sentimental Spot. ...
  • Write a Love Letter. ...
  • Make a Delicious Dinner. ...
  • Go to the Ballet or Opera. ...
  • Attend a Local Festival. ...
  • Provide a Day of Pampering. ...
  • Give Her a Handmade Gift.
Mar 21, 2024

What to put in valentine's Day basket for girlfriend? ›

Spa basket: Fill a basket with relaxing bath items, like bath salts, bubble bath, and scented candles, along with a soft towel and robe. Food basket: Put together a basket of gourmet treats, like chocolates, wine, cheese, and crackers, for a romantic dinner at home.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.