African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (2024)

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Welcome, soul food lovers and culinary adventurers! If you're on the hunt for the most authentic and delectable African American recipes on the internet, you've just hit the jackpot. Trust me, you're in for a treat that goes beyond just satisfying your taste buds; we're talking about a culinary journey that takes you back to your roots.

Ah, the joys of good old-fashioned, heartwarming, soul-stirring cooking! You know what I'm talking about—the kind of food that not only fills your belly but also warms your soul. That's exactly what you'll find here. From the classics you grew up loving to some hidden gems you might not have tried yet, we've got it all.

So go ahead, kick off your shoes, grab a comfy seat, and make yourself at home. I've curated a treasure trove of the finest soul food recipes that celebrate the rich culinary heritage of the African American community. These are the dishes that have graced our family tables for generations, and now, I'm thrilled to share them with you.

Let's talk favorites, shall we? When it comes to African American cuisine, certain dishes are simply iconic. I'm talking about mouthwatering collard greens, heavenly banana pudding, decadent pecan pie, and oh-so-tender neck bones. And let's not forget the staples like black-eyed peas, crispy fried chicken, succulent pigs feet, hearty pinto beans, and the ever-controversial chitterlings. The list goes on-and-on with cornbread, sweet potato pie, oxtails, and cabbage. These are the foods that tell our stories, the recipes that have been passed down through the ages.

Growing up, these dishes were the stars of every family gathering, Sunday dinner, and holiday feast. Now, as an adult, I find immense joy in cooking up these samebeloved recipesfor my own family. My wife and son can't get enough, and I have a feeling your family will feel the same way.

Ready to dive in? Below, you'll find our top twenty most popular recipes, each one a testament to the richness and diversity of African American cuisine. And because we know how hard it can be to choose one, we've also included links to fifteen other authentic soul food dishes that are sure to tickle your fancy.

The only challenge now is deciding which masterpiece to whip up first. But don't worry—I'll leave that delightful dilemma up to you.

Popular Soul Food African American Recipes

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (2)Fried Chicken

Southern Fried Chicken
Perfect fried chicken is crunchy and crispy on the outside. Tender and juicy on the inside. Break the hot sauce out the cabinets for some good eating. Like many other people, this is one of my favorite African American recipes.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (4)Creamed Corn

Creamed Corn
This southern staple, is one of the easiest, riches, and most creamiest side dishes you will ever make. This is a must try recipe favorite.

3 of 20

African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (6)Salmon Croquette Patties

Salmon Patties
Perfect salmon patties are golden and crispy on the outside and tender and flaky on the inside. They are quick and easy to prepare and I've had many a meal that includes these little delicious patties.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (8)Black-eyed Peas

Black-Eyed Peas
These peas can be cooked separately or with rice as hoppin' john. Black eyed peas is a popular soul food dish that many black people look forward to eating on New Year's day.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (10)Fried Catfish

Southern Fried Catfish
This iconic dish is another soul food and southern cooking favorites. Most often dredged in seasoned cornbread and then deep fried. Serve with some fried hush puppies, fries, and slaw.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (12)Homemade Biscuits

Homemade Biscuits
Love the smell of homemade biscuits and nothing taste better this warm bread
straight from the oven. Break them open and spread on your favorite jam or
honey. Jam, spreads, cheese, eggs, and sausages all go great with biscuits.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (14)Chitterlings

Some folks call chitterlings, the cleaned and prepared intestines of hogs is a southern delicacy. Chitlins are slow-cooked and often eaten with vinegar and hot sauce.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (16)Homemade Meatloaf

Mom's Homemade Meatloaf
As traditional soul food meatloaf is typically served with brown gravy. But some people (like me) prefer their meatloaf cooked and topped with ketchup sauce like what you see pictured above.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (18)Collard Greens

Collard Greens
Most often cooked with ham hocks, but sometimes salt pork, who doesn't love collard greens? When it's time yo eat just pass the vinegar, hot sauce, and reach for a piece of cornbread.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (20)Smothered Pork Chops

Smothered Pork Chops
Lightly breaded pork chops smothered in a rich and savory gravy is what we call good eating. This is one of my favorite soul food and southern cooking dishes and one you have got to try preparing and see for yourself.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (22)Lima Beans

Lima Beans
You can find a pot of Lima beans cooking in the kitchen on Sunday all across America. We like the prepared with ham hocks for additional flavor. When it's time to eat we reach from corn bread and hot sauce.

12 of 20

African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (24)Potato Salad

Potato Salad
Old-fashioned potato salad doesn't take too many ingredients to make. It's easy to whip this awesome side dish up for any occasion and it's sure please the crowd.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (26)Banana Pudding

Banana Pudding
Banana pudding is the simplest of desserts. The layered dessert is very popular among soul food and southern desserts. Pudding, vanilla wafers, and sliced bananas is all you really need.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (28)Sweet Potato Pie

Sweet Potato Pies
This is one of my most favorite soul food desserts and it could be yours too. There's nothing like the smell of freshly baked sweet potato pie straight from the oven

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (30)Tomato Soup

Creamy Tomato Soup
This is how you make creamy tomato soup scratch. Pour yourself a bowl of delicious soup made with only a handful of quality ingredients.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (32)Sweet Tea

Homemade Sweet Tea
Nobody make tea better than us southerns. So if you want a sweet and refreshing beverage this sweet tea will surly hit the spot.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (34)Oxtails -

Oxtails and Rice
Want some good eating? Try oxtails slow cooked until the meat is tender enough to fall off the bones. Smother them oxtails with some gravy and then serve them up on rice for a classic meal.

African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (35)

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (36)Fried Fish and Grits -

Fried Fish and Grits
Fish and grits are the ultimate breakfast foods on a Sunday morning before heading out the door for a few hours of church. This meal will get and keep you full so you're not thinking about eating. I had to add fish and grits to my collection of African American recipes.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (38)Pigs Feet

Pigs Feet
Traditional pigs feet is slow cooked like chitterlings and sometimes pickled too. Tender and good tasting, serve pigs feet with some vinegar and hot sauce. Don't forget you favorite side dishes too.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (40)Chocolate Pecan Pie

Chocolate Pecan Pie
Every had classic pecan pie with a twist? Add in chocolate and coconut for a delightfully tasting dessert. But don't just eat one piece of pie, you'll want to eat two.

Our Favorite Recipes

  • Chitterlings - I Folks it doesn't get any country'er than this. Love those chitterlings and hog maws.
  • Oxtails - An old-fashioned oxtail soup recipe using either fresh or frozen vegetables and oxtails.
  • Neck Bones - Want some lip smacking neck bones and rice? This recipe works well for pork neck bones and beef neckbones to.
  • Pigs feet recipe - If you think boiled pigs feet are delicious, I have just the recipe for you. Give barbecued pigs feet a try.
  • Fried Chicken - Are you tired of tough crispy fried chicken? If, so try this southern fried chicken recipe and cook chicken that melts in your mouth.
  • Corn Bread - The recipe calls for yellow corn meal flour and sugar. Join the rest of the south and serve corn bread tonight.
  • Collar Greens - This is a great recipe to complete your meal. People love this traditional southern style collard greens recipe.
  • Cabbage - Get ready to cook boiled cabbage with these important details and free recipe. Learn how to cook cabbage that taste like Grandmas
  • Black eyed Peas - Eat black eyed peas and bring good luck to your family year-round. This african american new years favorite can be eating throughout the year.
  • Lima Beans - This old fashioned lima bean recipe is both healthy and nutritious. Serve lima beans with whole grain rice for a highquality protein packed meal.
  • Pinto Beans - Are you looking for tasty soul food that is also healthy? Cook pinto beans and rice for an essentially fat-free side dish packed with protein.
  • Sweet Potato Pie - Go ahead and try this easy to make southern dessert favorite. You want be disappointed, you'll be surprised.
  • Pecan Pie - Try pecan pie if you like desserts with nuts. This irresistible dessert is my personal favorite.
  • Banana Pudding - Eat banana pudding, the anytime healthy snack that's loved by both adults and children. Go ahead and try this easy to follow recipe today.

We're sure you will enjoy this collection of African American recipes for many years to come. That said don't keep this black recipe resource a secret all for yourself. So be sure to share this page withyour family and friends.

List of common soul food seasonings and their measurements

Here are some common soul food seasonings and their measurements:

  1. Garlic powder: 1 teaspoon
  2. Onion powder: 1 teaspoon
  3. Paprika: 1 tablespoon
  4. Cumin: 1 teaspoon
  5. Cayenne pepper: ½ teaspoon (or more if you like it spicy!)
  6. Salt: 1-2 teaspoons (or to taste)
  7. Black pepper: ½ - 1 teaspoon (or to taste)
  8. Thyme: ½ - 1 teaspoon (dried) or a few sprigs of fresh thyme leaves

These are just a few examples of the many seasonings that can be used in soul food cooking, but they should give you a good starting point for seasoning your dishes with authentic southern flavor! Of course, feel free to adjust the amounts based on your personal preferences and the recipe you're following.

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African American Recipes - Just Like Grandma Used to Cook (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.