20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (2024)

While it’s fun to see your kids get excited about Valentine’ Day and getting and receiving valentines, it can be a little stressful preparing for the day. Not only do you have to get (or make) treats for a whole class of kids, but you also need to help your kids make their own (unique) valentine box.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (1)


Robots are the perfect mixture of sci-fi and Valentine’s Day! If you have kids who think Valentine’s Day is too cheesy, then try this great box idea!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (2)


Unicornsarea a classic Valentine’s Day concept, so a unicorn box is the perfect match! There are tons of ideas you can use, so choose one you like and go for it!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (3)


This is such a great box! This box is as fun to make as it is to look at! Everyone will want to put their valentines in this box just to get a better look at it!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (4)


If you’re all about French fries, then this is a great idea! Not only does it have such a great play on words, but the fun Twizzler/French fry look-alikes are genius!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (5)


There are tons of ways to make a fish valentine box, so just choose a design that you and your kids love. It’s pretty easy to make; all that you really need to do is cut a hole, decorate the box, and then attack the fins.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (6)


It may take a bit to cut out the shapes you need for this box, but once you get past that stage it’s easy sailing from there. Choose calm but colorful paper to decorate the owl with and you’re good!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (7)


With just some stripes of black and white paper, you can get a quick and easy bumblebee valentine box! You can use a plastic container, shoebox, or anything else you want, but a circular object works best.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (8)


You can never go wrong with a good oldsportsbox! Whether it’s soccer, baseball, or even basketball, you can make an awesome and simple Valentine’s box.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (9)


Just attach some fins, teeth, and eyes to an aluminum can and you’ll have this shark valentine box in no time! The wilder and crazier it looks, the better!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (10)


A classic valentine box design is a mailbox. You can make it whatever color or shape you want, just let your kids be in charge. They’ll love getting to decorate their own mailbox for sure!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (11)


You can go even bigger and make the whole house, not just a mailbox! Just make the house and then cut a slit in the front or the side for the valentines to fit into.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (12)


There are actually tons of designs and ideas for a monster valentine box. So, if that’s the direction you want to go, then find a great looking concept online and do it.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (13)


Everyone will be impressed with your super hero! There are literally dozens of super hero designs to choose from, so don’t let your imagination be limited!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (14)


I think this idea is just so adorable! And you don’t need much to make thisboxat all. Choose whatever color you want for the hippo’s skin, just have fun!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (15)


Give the classroom a nice woodsy feel with this great tree valentines box. You can attach as many woodland creatures as you want to the branches, or just keep it plain.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (16)


What a fun idea! Make your box look like a giant iPod and then write classic love songs on the playlist! Not only will it give the other students (and teacher) a good laugh, but it’s also an all-around great idea.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (17)


While it may not be fun to step on these, it sure is fun to make a valentines box that looks like one! And it’s also a really simple design, so you don’t have to put much work or money into it at all.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (18)


Mix hearts with a ladybug to get a heart-clad ladybug box! You can put the opening in the mouth, the back, or wherever else you think it looks good and fits!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (19)

Love Bucket

This is such a clever and simple idea! Just take an oldbucketor can, wrap it or paint it with fun colors, maybe put a bow or a heart on it, and you’re good to go.

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (20)


This can look really nice and classy if you pull it off well! You can put as many or as few animals on the carousel as you want, just make it look good and have fun creating it!

20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (21)

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20 {Easy} Valentine Boxes Your Kids Will Love (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.